Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Declutter YOur Brain!!??

Call The Custom Closet to Declutter your House!
(201) 666-1717

Organizing Tip: Declutter Your Brain: Write It Down!

Clutter doesn't only happen in our homes and offices. It can also happen in our minds. If I were to open up your brain and look inside, what would it look like? (OK, yeah - yuk, but not literally! :)) Would it be the equivalent to a cluttered desk or a junk-drawer? If we could SEE inside, would it look like a jumbled mess of tasks, ideas, reminders, schedules, floating around and constantly nagging at you? This causes unnecessary stress and anxiety, so let's try to change that.

You can declutter your brain by simply writing things down. Once the thoughts and tasks are on paper, they no longer need to clutter up your mind. Get your appointments, priorities and ideas in your calendar, planner or notepaper. Or, if you're the electronic type, then put it all in your PDA. Keeping a notepad by your bed also helps to capture those nagging thoughts that keep you awake at night. Writing it down helps get it off your mind.

If everything gets written down, then, the only thing you have to remember to do is to look consistently look at your planner/PDA/notepaper to tell you what to do!! You won't have to worry about forgetting appointments and to-do's - you can trust that they will be there for you when you need them, because you have written them down.

Enjoy your newly de-cluttered brain!!

Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
201-638-9593 | |

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Organizing for School

Let The Custom Closet help Get the Kids Ready and Organized for School

Finalize School Shopping:
FOR THE KIDS: Make sure you've got their all school supplies and any new clothing ready!
FOR YOU: Treat yourself to a little something for surviving the summer!
Plan for the Paperwork!
FOR THE KIDS and YOU: Back to School time = Paper time! Create a method for managing all the paperwork the kids bring home to avoid the piles on the counter, and keep your sanity!
FOR YOU: Maybe the piles are already there... if you've been putting off dealing with the piles on the counter and desk, NOW is the time to get to it! (p.s. - if you need help, this is my specialty! Give me a call).
Create a Homework Station
FOR THE KIDS: They'll need good lighting, comfortable seating, and all the necessary supplies handy. For the supplies, a simple shoebox filled with the necessities will do, but even better is this Homework Supply Organizer. Contact me if you'd like to purchase: Price: $20.00

FOR YOU: Create a Mail Station - Use another caddy just like this one to keep all your mail and bill-paying supplies handy.
Plan your lunch menu:
FOR THE KIDS: Create a menu, listing all the kids' favorite lunch options, and each week, sit with them to plan their lunches for the week, whether it be home-made or school-provided.
FOR YOU: Shop in advance for their favorites, and do the meal selection with them religiously! No stress, complaining, or mystery in the morning on what's for lunch!
Plan and Manage the Crazy Family Schedules!:
FOR THE KIDS: Make sure you've got some kind of calendar/planner system to manage the family schedules, and that can be viewed by all. This is critical for keeping all the family rhythm going smoothly. (Another specialty of mine!)
FOR YOU: If you don't yet have a good planner/calendar system, then GO GET ONE! Declutter your mind by putting the details of your family's schedule on a calendar.
Morning Checklist:
FOR THE KIDS: Create a checklist on a dry-erase board listing what each child needs to accomplish, and by when, each school morning. Have them check items off as they do them.
FOR YOU: Check your Calendar/Planner each morning to get a handle on what you plan to accomplish each day for work, family and self.
Evening Checklist:
FOR THE KIDS: Similarly, to make the time after school until bed more manageable, make a checklist outlining all the things they need to do before they go to bed, including: Homework completed, important documents given to mom & dad, clothes picked out, backback ready to go, brush teeth, bath, PJ's, bed. Include fun things like reading a book, family game time, or some TV time, so kids have something to look forward to doing on their list as well!
FOR YOU: Make sure you take some time to relax and unwind. Review your Calendar/Planner from the day, check off what was completed, and plan/review your schedule for the next day.
Create a positive outlook towards school:
THIS APPLIES TO BOTH YOU AND THE KIDS: Kids will be nervous, excited, scared, anxious, etc... so it's up to the parents to calm their fears, and instill a positive attitude towards the new school year. Focus on the friendships they'll acquire, the exciting new things they'll learn, and all the fun activities that will soon begin. They'll need your support, so plan the time to be there for them, really listen, and focus on what they're sharing with you. A little daily one-on-one time goes a long way to a healthy school year and a healthy family!
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
201-638-9593 | |