Watch this clip from Modern Family, then contact The Custom Closet for your "wow" design and estimate!
No, Gloria does not work for us, sorry.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Just Because It Fits... Organize Your Closets and Your Life
Organizing Tip! Just Because It Fits Doesn't Mean...
For those that follow my tips, a little while back I wrote one about "Just because you own it, doesn't mean you have to keep it." Well, this one is similar and builds on that same concept. Look around your home. Perhaps there is a piece of furniture that fits in a room, but, you really don't like it, or need it anymore. Maybe it was from your old apartment, or a relative passed it down to you, and you kept it simply because it could fit in your home, but you neither wanted it or needed it.
Or, check inside the cabinets of your kitchen. Do you have extra items that fit, but your never use them? Sure they may be useful, but not necessarily to you. Maybe there are extra mugs, or an old salad-spinner that you thought you'd like to use, but never did. Or perhaps, again, some hand-me-down pots, dishes, or serving-ware that you took because it fit in your kitchen, but you neither need nor like them.
One of the concepts of organizing is to only surround yourself with what you truly love and use. Anything else is clutter. So think about it, if you continue to keep things simply because they fit, not because you need/want/like/love them, they are actually clutter, and over time they will get in the way and prevent you from enjoying the things you truly love and use. Take a look around, make some decisions about these items, and perhaps you can pass them along to a favorite charity or someone you know that could really use them.
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
Contact @ (201) 666-1717 or to schedule a closet organizing appointment .
The Custom ClosetThe Custom Closet
- you have to keep it
- you need it
- you want it
- you like it
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
Contact @ (201) 666-1717 or to schedule a closet organizing appointment .
The Custom ClosetThe Custom Closet
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Get Rid of It Even if Fits!
Contact: or to get a free estimate on your closets, office, garage, pantry, playroom, mudroom etc.
Organizing Tip! Just Because It Fits Doesn't Mean...
Or, check inside the cabinets of your kitchen. Do you have extra items that fit, but your never use them? Sure they may be useful, but not necessarily to you. Maybe there are extra mugs, or an old salad-spinner that you thought you'd like to use, but never did. Or perhaps, again, some hand-me-down pots, dishes, or serving-ware that you took because it fit in your kitchen, but you neither need nor like them.
One of the concepts of organizing is to only surround yourself with what you truly love and use. Anything else is clutter. So think about it, if you continue to keep things simply because they fit, not because you need/want/like/love them, they are actually clutter, and over time they will get in the way and prevent you from enjoying the things you truly love and use. Take a look around, make some decisions about these items, and perhaps you can pass them along to a favorite charity or someone you know that could really use them.
Until next time, wishing you an easier life by Organizing With EASE.
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC 201-638-9593
Call (201) 666-1717 or contact: for more information
The Custom ClosetThe Custom Closet
Organizing Tip! Just Because It Fits Doesn't Mean...
- you have to keep it
- you need it
- you want it
- you like it
Or, check inside the cabinets of your kitchen. Do you have extra items that fit, but your never use them? Sure they may be useful, but not necessarily to you. Maybe there are extra mugs, or an old salad-spinner that you thought you'd like to use, but never did. Or perhaps, again, some hand-me-down pots, dishes, or serving-ware that you took because it fit in your kitchen, but you neither need nor like them.
One of the concepts of organizing is to only surround yourself with what you truly love and use. Anything else is clutter. So think about it, if you continue to keep things simply because they fit, not because you need/want/like/love them, they are actually clutter, and over time they will get in the way and prevent you from enjoying the things you truly love and use. Take a look around, make some decisions about these items, and perhaps you can pass them along to a favorite charity or someone you know that could really use them.
Until next time, wishing you an easier life by Organizing With EASE.
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC 201-638-9593
Call (201) 666-1717 or contact: for more information
The Custom ClosetThe Custom Closet
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Back to School Organizing Tip
Organizing Tip! Create a system for school papers and artwork
Back to school time again! For those with children, from pre-school to high-school and beyond, you'll need a system for managing all the papers that come home from school. I'll focus on the pre-school thru middle-school years for this tip, since that's when most of the volume that parents have to manage occurs.
1. Action Paper Drop Spot: First - you'll need to set up a process whereby the kids immediately give you all the ACTION PAPERS from their backpacks (ones that parents need to read or take action on - not their homework or other completed work) . I would suggest children do this as soon as they come home from school. Set up a convenient place with a small bin/tray/basket/folder where they can simply drop these papers. (Should be a central place, such as on a kitchen counter, or in a mudroom.).
2. Completed Paper Drop Spot: Now.... what to do with the plethora of completed school worksheets and artwork? Again, have a drop-spot with some kind of bin. If you have multiple children, consider multiple bins so you don't have to re-sort someday. This drop-spot should be convenient, but not on the counter. Consider bin(s) in a nearby closet, on the stairs (if not in the way), or dedicate a drawer or two in a nearby room to collect these items.
3. Parent Review: On a daily basis, take action on any parent papers found in the Action Paper Drop Spot so nothing gets overlooked or turned back into school late. As for the items in the Completed Paper Drop Spot, you will need to review these at some point to decide what to keep and what to purge. As for the timing of doing this review, you have several options, depending on your personal style in dealing w/ this stuff, and available time during the day, week, month, year.
If you are the "up-front-ruthless-get-rid-of-most-stuff-right-away" type of person, then review daily or weekly and purge to your heart's content!
If you are the "every-so-often" type, then review the bins every week, month, or school marking period, and decide which items are worth keeping.
If you are the "I-don't-have-the-time-and-don't-want-to-deal-with-this-until-the-end-of-the-year" type, then no problem! Just make sure you have large enough bins, and plan on reviewing everything sometime between June and August.
Or... you may be a combo of the above - just do what works for you.
4. School Memorabilia Storage: Lastly, you'll need a permanent place to store all the school paper and artwork 'keepers'. There are many options, such as: an art portfolio for each year, a large expanding office envelope/wallet, Rubbermaid/Sterilite plastic storage containers, or a product called 'Schoolfolio', to name a few. Remember, you can also display art in frames, on bulletin boards, send to relatives as gifts, or use as wrapping paper too!
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
Back to School Time Organizing
Friday, July 1, 2011
Organize your Electronic Cords and Plugs
Organizing Tip: Managing Electronic Gadgets, Plugs, and Cords
Visit for more organizing ideas.
Or call (201) 666-1717 for a free estimate.
Here's another tip request from one of my loyal readers: "How do I best manage all electronic gadgets and plugs? Like iPhone, iPad, and iPods. Too many plugs and cords!"
Thanks for the question - I think we can all relate to the chaos all these devices can bring. Here are some tips to keep all these items under control:
1) LABEL THE CORDS: Immediately, right out of the box, label each charging cord. You can easily do this with a label-maker - print out a label and wrap it around the cord, pressing the sides together like a little flag. There will never be any question about which cord goes with which device.
2) CREATE 'HOMES'/CHARGING STATIONS FOR EACH DEVICE: All these gadgets and cords can easily be misplaced. Create a standard 'home' in your house or office where the device always gets charged and keep the labeled cord there. If you have multiple devices, keep all the charging cords even more organized by using a charging station like this one: - it looks good on a counter or desk, and functions as both a home and charging location. (Charging stations come in all shapes, styles, and price points. Check out Pottery Barn,, Container Store, office supply stores, etc...)
3) KEEP EXTRA CORDS AND ACCESSORIES ORGANIZED: You can easily corral all the extras in a clear shoebox (don't forget to label the items!), or use a clear hanging shoe organizer like this on the back of a door. Put each item in its own labeled shoe pouch!
4) KEEP ORGANIZED WHILE TRAVELING: A simple way to keep your cords and electronic devices organized while traveling is by using Ziploc-style bags. Or.... try out this fabulous new product called Grid-It which has a multitude of elastic straps to keep your devices and cords in place. Love it!
5) OUT WITH THE OLD: Make sure that when you get rid of one of your devices, that you also get rid of the old accessories too, so they're not cluttering up your space (if they're not compatible with the new device). Please don't throw them in the garbage, though. Click here to get some easy ideas on how to recycle or where to donate your old devices and accessories/cords.
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
Visit for more organizing ideas.
Or call (201) 666-1717 for a free estimate.
Here's another tip request from one of my loyal readers: "How do I best manage all electronic gadgets and plugs? Like iPhone, iPad, and iPods. Too many plugs and cords!"
Thanks for the question - I think we can all relate to the chaos all these devices can bring. Here are some tips to keep all these items under control:
1) LABEL THE CORDS: Immediately, right out of the box, label each charging cord. You can easily do this with a label-maker - print out a label and wrap it around the cord, pressing the sides together like a little flag. There will never be any question about which cord goes with which device.
2) CREATE 'HOMES'/CHARGING STATIONS FOR EACH DEVICE: All these gadgets and cords can easily be misplaced. Create a standard 'home' in your house or office where the device always gets charged and keep the labeled cord there. If you have multiple devices, keep all the charging cords even more organized by using a charging station like this one: - it looks good on a counter or desk, and functions as both a home and charging location. (Charging stations come in all shapes, styles, and price points. Check out Pottery Barn,, Container Store, office supply stores, etc...)
3) KEEP EXTRA CORDS AND ACCESSORIES ORGANIZED: You can easily corral all the extras in a clear shoebox (don't forget to label the items!), or use a clear hanging shoe organizer like this on the back of a door. Put each item in its own labeled shoe pouch!
4) KEEP ORGANIZED WHILE TRAVELING: A simple way to keep your cords and electronic devices organized while traveling is by using Ziploc-style bags. Or.... try out this fabulous new product called Grid-It which has a multitude of elastic straps to keep your devices and cords in place. Love it!
5) OUT WITH THE OLD: Make sure that when you get rid of one of your devices, that you also get rid of the old accessories too, so they're not cluttering up your space (if they're not compatible with the new device). Please don't throw them in the garbage, though. Click here to get some easy ideas on how to recycle or where to donate your old devices and accessories/cords.
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wardrobe Unit for Rebuilding Together Project
Thursday, April 21, 2011
5 Tips to Organize Your Day Everyday
to help get your day and life organized
800-304-4848 or (201) 666-1717
Organizing Tip: 5 Things To Do Each Day to Keep Yourself Sane
1. Morning Planning Time: Take 5-10 minutes each morning to review your schedule, to-do's and get ready for your day.
WHY? Without a plan, the day can fly by without getting anything of priority accomplished. Don't waste another day... .PLAN!
2. What's for Dinner? Make dinner plans early in the day (whether it be home-cooked, take-out, or going out - have a plan)
WHY? Having a plan takes away the mystery and stress when dinnertime rolls around.
3. Write new things down: As new tasks, appointments, and reminders pop-up throughout the day, write them down!
WHY? By simply writing things down, you don't have the stress of trying to keep all these things in your head or forgetting something important. "Writing down" means whatever method works for you: a paper calendar/planner, on a central to-do list, or in an electronic device.
4. Enjoy a little 'Me' time: Make sure you take at least a few minutes each day to rejuvenate yourself, eat right, drink plenty of fluids, and get a little rest or exercise.
WHY? If you're go-go-go all day, without a little bit of rest or downtime for yourself, you'll tend to be both mentally and physically exhausted. Don't forget about taking care of YOU! You are more important than any other task on your to-do list.
5. Evening Recap/Planning Time: Take 5-10 minutes towards the end of each day to review your schedule from the day, check-off your to-do's, and plan the next day.
WHY?: You'll sleep more peacefully if you've done your review, knowing you accomplished what you intended to do, rescheduled things that weren't possible to do, and have a game-plan for the following day.
Until next time, wishing you an easier life by Organizing With EASE.
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
to help get your day and life organized
800-304-4848 or (201) 666-1717
Organizing Tip: 5 Things To Do Each Day to Keep Yourself Sane
1. Morning Planning Time: Take 5-10 minutes each morning to review your schedule, to-do's and get ready for your day.
WHY? Without a plan, the day can fly by without getting anything of priority accomplished. Don't waste another day... .PLAN!
2. What's for Dinner? Make dinner plans early in the day (whether it be home-cooked, take-out, or going out - have a plan)
WHY? Having a plan takes away the mystery and stress when dinnertime rolls around.
3. Write new things down: As new tasks, appointments, and reminders pop-up throughout the day, write them down!
WHY? By simply writing things down, you don't have the stress of trying to keep all these things in your head or forgetting something important. "Writing down" means whatever method works for you: a paper calendar/planner, on a central to-do list, or in an electronic device.
4. Enjoy a little 'Me' time: Make sure you take at least a few minutes each day to rejuvenate yourself, eat right, drink plenty of fluids, and get a little rest or exercise.
WHY? If you're go-go-go all day, without a little bit of rest or downtime for yourself, you'll tend to be both mentally and physically exhausted. Don't forget about taking care of YOU! You are more important than any other task on your to-do list.
5. Evening Recap/Planning Time: Take 5-10 minutes towards the end of each day to review your schedule from the day, check-off your to-do's, and plan the next day.
WHY?: You'll sleep more peacefully if you've done your review, knowing you accomplished what you intended to do, rescheduled things that weren't possible to do, and have a game-plan for the following day.
Until next time, wishing you an easier life by Organizing With EASE.
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
5 Tips to Organize Your Day
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Desk in a Closet

Monday, March 28, 2011
Give Up Clutter for Lent
After you clear it all out, contact: or call (201) 666-1717
So, last week, a friend of mine shared her own organizing tip with me. She told me that during the 40 days of Lent, instead of giving up 40 days of chocolate or coffee, she was giving up 40 bags! She is going through her closets, drawers and garage, and getting rid of a bag of stuff for each day of Lent. What a great idea! Imagine how she will feel after those 40 days! This inspired me to write this week's tip....
Organizing Tip: Declutter Your Life By Doing a Little Each Day OK, so you don't have to necessarily commit to a bag of stuff a day, but to begin to make some kind of progress to de-clutter your life, I would suggest you commit to doing SOMETHING each day. On a daily basis, that SOMETHING could be: Each day, pick a drawer and purge* any items not needed (*purge means: recycle, donate, trash, or relocate) Each day, review a folder in your home's filing system and get rid of any papers no longer needed for personal, legal or financial/tax purposes. (be sure to shred any document which contains personal information) Each day, review and purge a shelf in a closet. Each day, have your kids discard an older, unused, or broken toy Each day, review, purge, and clean a shelf of your fridge/freezer Each day, select an item from your wardrobe to donate. Each day, take action on 5 pieces of paper sitting on your counter, dining room table or other horizontal surface. Each day, scratch an item off your to-do list by either doing it, or deciding it's not necessarily important to do anymore. And so on.... So, if you want to make consistent progress to de-clutter, then commit to doing SOMETHING each day - whether it be some of my ideas above, or your own idea. If you commit to doing it, I promise you, before long, your life will be filled with a whole lot less clutter, making room for the people and things you really love and enjoy! Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer Organizing With EASE, LLC 201-638-9593
So, last week, a friend of mine shared her own organizing tip with me. She told me that during the 40 days of Lent, instead of giving up 40 days of chocolate or coffee, she was giving up 40 bags! She is going through her closets, drawers and garage, and getting rid of a bag of stuff for each day of Lent. What a great idea! Imagine how she will feel after those 40 days! This inspired me to write this week's tip....
Organizing Tip: Declutter Your Life By Doing a Little Each Day OK, so you don't have to necessarily commit to a bag of stuff a day, but to begin to make some kind of progress to de-clutter your life, I would suggest you commit to doing SOMETHING each day. On a daily basis, that SOMETHING could be: Each day, pick a drawer and purge* any items not needed (*purge means: recycle, donate, trash, or relocate) Each day, review a folder in your home's filing system and get rid of any papers no longer needed for personal, legal or financial/tax purposes. (be sure to shred any document which contains personal information) Each day, review and purge a shelf in a closet. Each day, have your kids discard an older, unused, or broken toy Each day, review, purge, and clean a shelf of your fridge/freezer Each day, select an item from your wardrobe to donate. Each day, take action on 5 pieces of paper sitting on your counter, dining room table or other horizontal surface. Each day, scratch an item off your to-do list by either doing it, or deciding it's not necessarily important to do anymore. And so on.... So, if you want to make consistent progress to de-clutter, then commit to doing SOMETHING each day - whether it be some of my ideas above, or your own idea. If you commit to doing it, I promise you, before long, your life will be filled with a whole lot less clutter, making room for the people and things you really love and enjoy! Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer Organizing With EASE, LLC 201-638-9593
Thursday, March 17, 2011
"Weed" your Clutter Constantly
Organizing Tip: Weed Through Your Stuff, Constantly
Contact: for creating the space you need after you "weed!"
Yes, weeding is not only something you do in a garden, but something you must do in your living spaces as well. Let's do a comparison, shall we?
In a garden, we must weed constantly so that the weeds don't overtake the garden and suffocate the plants we truly love and enjoy. If we never do the weeding, the weeds will quickly consume the garden. If we weed only occasionally, the garden will survive, but the weeds will still be quite prevalent, will interfere with the garden's ability to live and grow, and the weeds be tougher to pull if left too long. If we weed constantly, the weeds are easy to pull, the garden will thrive, and we will be able to fully enjoy the beauty and peace the garden can provide.
OK, so now, substitute the word 'clutter' for weeds, and the words 'home' and 'family' for garden. It now goes something like this:
In a home, we must weed constantly so that the clutter doesn't overtake the home and suffocate the people and possessions we truly love and enjoy. If we never do the weeding, the clutter will quickly consume the home and people in it. If we weed only occasionally, the home and family will survive, but the clutter will still be quite prevalent, will interfere with the family's ability to live and grow, and the clutter will be tougher to deal with if left too long. If we weed constantly, the clutter is easy to remove, the home and family will thrive, and we will be able to fully enjoy the beauty and peace our home can provide.
*The organizing phrase, 'Weed Constantly', comes from organizing expert, Kathy Waddill, author of 'The Organizing Sourcebook: Nine Strategies for Simplifying Your Life'. Kathy explains that, "...aside from the personal reasons people hang on to things, our materialistic culture pressures us to have more than we need. Every day we’re barraged with paper, news, advertising and information. When you keep things you’re not actively using, they get in your way and create work for you. It requires constant vigilance to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed by the onslaught. Keep everything weeded down so you can retain a semblance of control over life."
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
" Everything Arranged So Easily"
201-638-9593 | |
Contact: for creating the space you need after you "weed!"
Yes, weeding is not only something you do in a garden, but something you must do in your living spaces as well. Let's do a comparison, shall we?
In a garden, we must weed constantly so that the weeds don't overtake the garden and suffocate the plants we truly love and enjoy. If we never do the weeding, the weeds will quickly consume the garden. If we weed only occasionally, the garden will survive, but the weeds will still be quite prevalent, will interfere with the garden's ability to live and grow, and the weeds be tougher to pull if left too long. If we weed constantly, the weeds are easy to pull, the garden will thrive, and we will be able to fully enjoy the beauty and peace the garden can provide.
OK, so now, substitute the word 'clutter' for weeds, and the words 'home' and 'family' for garden. It now goes something like this:
In a home, we must weed constantly so that the clutter doesn't overtake the home and suffocate the people and possessions we truly love and enjoy. If we never do the weeding, the clutter will quickly consume the home and people in it. If we weed only occasionally, the home and family will survive, but the clutter will still be quite prevalent, will interfere with the family's ability to live and grow, and the clutter will be tougher to deal with if left too long. If we weed constantly, the clutter is easy to remove, the home and family will thrive, and we will be able to fully enjoy the beauty and peace our home can provide.
*The organizing phrase, 'Weed Constantly', comes from organizing expert, Kathy Waddill, author of 'The Organizing Sourcebook: Nine Strategies for Simplifying Your Life'. Kathy explains that, "...aside from the personal reasons people hang on to things, our materialistic culture pressures us to have more than we need. Every day we’re barraged with paper, news, advertising and information. When you keep things you’re not actively using, they get in your way and create work for you. It requires constant vigilance to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed by the onslaught. Keep everything weeded down so you can retain a semblance of control over life."
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
" Everything Arranged So Easily"
201-638-9593 | |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
We Do Libraries!

The Custom Closet was contracted to do the library at a synagogue in River Edge, NJ
Contact: http://www.thecustomcloset/ for an estimate on closets, garages, libraries, home offices and other wall units. (201) 666-1717
Monday, February 28, 2011
What's Wrong With My Closet?
Organizing Tip: Closet Redesign - Start a "Need, Wish, Want List"
Then contact or (201) 666-1717 or (800) 304-4848
Wish you had a better layout in your closet? Thinking about a closet makeover or redesign, but don't yet know what you need? Then start now by creating a "Need, Wish, Want List". Post a piece of paper on the door or wall of your closet, and keep a dedicated pen nearby. Every time you're using your closet and it's not working out for you, jot down what's bothering you, and, if possible, what you wish it was like instead. Write down things like:
"I Wish I had more room for my folded clothing"
"I Need a place to keep my suitcase easily accessible because I take frequent trips for business."
"I Want a place to sit down to put on my shoes"
"I Wish I had a better way to store my scarves and belts because they're always landing on the floor"
"I Need hangers that my clothes don't fall off of"
and so on...
Over time, this list will define your goals and tasks to make your closet function better for you. Then, you can either tackle these items one by one as time allows, or plan an entire closet makeover to get the closet of your dreams! Contact:
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
O rganizing W ith EASE, LLC
" Everything Arranged So Easily"
Then contact or (201) 666-1717 or (800) 304-4848
Wish you had a better layout in your closet? Thinking about a closet makeover or redesign, but don't yet know what you need? Then start now by creating a "Need, Wish, Want List". Post a piece of paper on the door or wall of your closet, and keep a dedicated pen nearby. Every time you're using your closet and it's not working out for you, jot down what's bothering you, and, if possible, what you wish it was like instead. Write down things like:
"I Wish I had more room for my folded clothing"
"I Need a place to keep my suitcase easily accessible because I take frequent trips for business."
"I Want a place to sit down to put on my shoes"
"I Wish I had a better way to store my scarves and belts because they're always landing on the floor"
"I Need hangers that my clothes don't fall off of"
and so on...
Over time, this list will define your goals and tasks to make your closet function better for you. Then, you can either tackle these items one by one as time allows, or plan an entire closet makeover to get the closet of your dreams! Contact:
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
O rganizing W ith EASE, LLC
" Everything Arranged So Easily"
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Organize Your Weekend Activities
Organizing Tip: Planning your weekends with Post-Its
Does the weekend seem to just come and go each week for you, and you wonder why you got nothing done? Do you wish you had accomplished more around the house, or done something a bit more special with your family or friends? Here are a some tips to help you have a more fun and productive weekend (even if it means you just relaxed and took a nap!)
Use Post-It's to help plan your weekends:
Get 2 stacks of different colored Post-Its - use one color for HOUSEHOLD, and the other color for ACTIVITIES.
HOUSEHOLD is for things that you've been meaning to get done, like 'Repair faucet, 'Hang New Pictures', 'Change Light Bulbs', or 'Organize Closet'. ACTIVITIES are fun things you'd like to do on the weekend either by yourself, with friends, or with family, like 'Go Ice-Skating', 'Visit new baby', 'Take a nap', or 'Bake Cookies with the kids'
Put all these items on post-its, and put them somewhere in the hub of your home, such as the kitchen or mudroom, on the back of a cabinet or closet door, on the fridge, or right on a wall if you'd like! You can arrange them in priority order any way you'd like. Putting them up randomly will work too.
Now, if you're a real planner, get your calendar out, and see what you've got going on the next few months, and put the sticky-notes right on your calendar on the days you'd like to do them.
If you're more free-spirited, and like to do things when the mood strikes you, then, each weekend take a glance at your post-it collection, and pull off the ones you feel like doing.
The post-it method is an easy way to get all those ideas on paper, and easily see, move around, and plan what you'd like to do when. No more waking up Monday morning saying "I wish I hadn't wasted my weekend!"
Or, if your family likes to keep your options open:,
Do you like to wait until you find out the Weekend Events Not To Miss here in the Northern NJ area? Then sign up for the email list. Each week you'll find out the latest, greatest things to do on the weekends, as well as find out the best places to eat and shop. BergenMama is a great source for all things cool and hip in Bergen County. Have fun!
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
O rganizing W ith EASE, LLC
" Everything Arranged So Easily"
Does the weekend seem to just come and go each week for you, and you wonder why you got nothing done? Do you wish you had accomplished more around the house, or done something a bit more special with your family or friends? Here are a some tips to help you have a more fun and productive weekend (even if it means you just relaxed and took a nap!)
Use Post-It's to help plan your weekends:
Get 2 stacks of different colored Post-Its - use one color for HOUSEHOLD, and the other color for ACTIVITIES.
HOUSEHOLD is for things that you've been meaning to get done, like 'Repair faucet, 'Hang New Pictures', 'Change Light Bulbs', or 'Organize Closet'. ACTIVITIES are fun things you'd like to do on the weekend either by yourself, with friends, or with family, like 'Go Ice-Skating', 'Visit new baby', 'Take a nap', or 'Bake Cookies with the kids'
Put all these items on post-its, and put them somewhere in the hub of your home, such as the kitchen or mudroom, on the back of a cabinet or closet door, on the fridge, or right on a wall if you'd like! You can arrange them in priority order any way you'd like. Putting them up randomly will work too.
Now, if you're a real planner, get your calendar out, and see what you've got going on the next few months, and put the sticky-notes right on your calendar on the days you'd like to do them.
If you're more free-spirited, and like to do things when the mood strikes you, then, each weekend take a glance at your post-it collection, and pull off the ones you feel like doing.
The post-it method is an easy way to get all those ideas on paper, and easily see, move around, and plan what you'd like to do when. No more waking up Monday morning saying "I wish I hadn't wasted my weekend!"
Or, if your family likes to keep your options open:,
Do you like to wait until you find out the Weekend Events Not To Miss here in the Northern NJ area? Then sign up for the email list. Each week you'll find out the latest, greatest things to do on the weekends, as well as find out the best places to eat and shop. BergenMama is a great source for all things cool and hip in Bergen County. Have fun!
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
O rganizing W ith EASE, LLC
" Everything Arranged So Easily"
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tax Organizing Time
Organizing Tip: Create a Tax Folder.... NOW!
Contact www.thecustomcloset to create a custom home office.
Today's tip is a simple one, but saves you lots of headaches when you're getting ready for April 15th. Get yourself a file folder right now, and write "2010 Tax Documents" on it. Now, keep it somewhere handy, near where you open your mail. For many, this is right in the kitchen, and if you're even more organized, you've already got Action Files set up somewhere handy, so you can simply put this new folder right in there. Now, when you get all those lovely end-of-the-year tax documents, you'll have a home for them (I know I've received a couple already!). No more saying, "Oh Gosh...I know this is important... where should I put it so I'll maybe....hopefully... remember where it is at tax time?" By setting up this simple folder, you've established a home for all these important mailings - no more lost tax documents!
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
Contact www.thecustomcloset to create a custom home office.
Today's tip is a simple one, but saves you lots of headaches when you're getting ready for April 15th. Get yourself a file folder right now, and write "2010 Tax Documents" on it. Now, keep it somewhere handy, near where you open your mail. For many, this is right in the kitchen, and if you're even more organized, you've already got Action Files set up somewhere handy, so you can simply put this new folder right in there. Now, when you get all those lovely end-of-the-year tax documents, you'll have a home for them (I know I've received a couple already!). No more saying, "Oh Gosh...I know this is important... where should I put it so I'll maybe....hopefully... remember where it is at tax time?" By setting up this simple folder, you've established a home for all these important mailings - no more lost tax documents!
Linda English - Owner/Professional Organizer
Organizing With EASE, LLC
Friday, January 21, 2011
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